Chemistry Fluxx

$ 20.00

  • Product Description

      Chemistry Fluxx is the elemental card game where the rules are always changing. Use atoms and laboratory gear to match the current Goal and win! Chemistry Fluxx is the perfect compound of chance and skill, where you'll not only be playing with elements and molecules, but you'll also be learning about them! Chemistry Fluxx is so much fun you'll be playing it more than periodically.

      Fluxx is a game about change. It begins very simply, with a couple of core rules, and gradually becomes more complex as cards are played that change the rules. With the perfect blend of luck and strategy, every game is different! Even how you win will constantly be shifting, so you're never sure who will win until someone does

      • Players:2 – 6
      • Playtime:5 – 30
      • Ages:8 – Adult
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